Click to download the Church Bulletin for Sunday, 12/29/2024
Chancel Choir |
Chancel Choir
The mission of The Chancel Choir (originally the Senior Choir) (SATB) is to use psalms, hymns, anthems, and spiritual songs to teach and instruct others about God's Word; To Sing to God from the heart so that He may get the glory from all that is said and done; To keep the hymns of the church alive as testimonies of faith of our ancestors in our Lord and Savior, Jesus, the Christ.
The Chancel Choir is an adult choir accompanied by the electronic Rogers Pipe Organ. Rehearsals are every Thursday evening from 6:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M., except the third Thursday. They are under the direction of the church organist, Bro. Howard Hope, and sing the second and fourth Sundays. They are a part of the Mt. Pisgah Family Choir that serves the church every fifth Sunday of the month.
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