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Church Bulletin

Click to download the Church Bulletin for Sunday, 2/9/2025

Angels of Praise Dance Ministry 

Angels of Praise

The mission of the Angels of Praise is to build Christ-like loving individuals. They strive for excellence in all things; in who they are and what they do. They look not only to minister to our own congregation, but also to go forth and minister to others whenever they are called upon, striving to have the compassion and love for the Lord like David, who danced a great dance for the Lord.

There are two divisions of this ministry: girls (6-12) and teens (13-18). The ministry has a Code of Conduct and Principles that is governed by Christian Behavior, Consistency with Diligence and Dependability, and Faithfulness.

The Angels of Praise have been under the direction of Sister Diane E. Pope since their beginning, in 2002.  Sister Tiffany Fauntleroy is the Assistant Director.  First Lady, Sister Ingrid Broadnax is their advisor.

The Angels of Praise rehearse on Saturday mornings at 10:00 AM. Those interested in joining this ministry can simply go to Sister Diane E. Pope, Sister Ingrid Broadnax, or Sister Tiffany Fauntleroy and express your interest.

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