Friday, August 26, 2010
Saturday, August 27, 2010
Principles of Prophetic Dance
Incorporate the prophetic into your dance. This workshop explores how the dance minister connects with the heart of God, touches the spiritual realm and shifts the atmosphere to bring about a transformation in the hearts and minds of the people.
The Ground on Which You Stand
Before the dance minister moves, she/he must stand. Stand in a place of holiness; stand in a place of expectation. In the workshop the dance minister will learn the power that comes from preparing his/her spiritual ground in order to speak a life-changing word through movement.
Leap From Bended Knees
"The first point in leaping is to think height and not distance. Height is achieved by a plie, or bend in the knees, which allows the dancer to take a down action before the leap." In this workshop, participants will explore the "down action before the leap", the effectiveness of prayer that provides the momentum to serve with passion and commitment.
Movement in the Fragile Places
How do you stand before God’s people and minister deliverance and hope when you are dealing with your own fragile place? Is it possible to stay connected to the ministry and at the same time cope with your fragile places? Share in the personal testimony of one dance minister.
Choreography: Receive, Apply, Deliver, Believe
Receive the movements and their relevance from the Lord. Apply the movements to your own life. Deliver the movements with authority of Christ. Believe God for a breakthrough in your life and in the lives of those who witness your ministry.
Registration Deadline
Registration Fee $25.00 / person.
Group Rate $20 / person (10 or more)